10 Amazing Scientific Facts that Will Blow your Mind


1.  More than 20% of Earth’s oxygen is produced by the Amazon rainforest

2.  It can take a photon of 40,000 years to travel from the sun’s core to its surface, but it take only 8 minutes to travel the rest of the way to Earth.

photon travel

3.  There are 7.84 times as many atoms in 1 teaspoon of water as there are teaspoons in the Atlantic Ocean.

atoms in 1 teaspoon

4.  An average person walks the equivalent of five times around the Earth in his life

An average person walks the equivalent of five times around the Earth in his life

5. Venus is the only planet that rotate clockwise

Venus is the only planet that rotate clockwise

6. Newborn babies have about 305 bones, which are about 100 more bones than adults, because as they grow, some of the bones blend to form a bone. Babies have 100 more bones than adults

Newborn babie

7.  There is enough DNA in the body of an average person to stretch from the sun to Pluto and return 17 times

enough DNA an average person to stretch from the sun to Pluto

8.  Some metals are very reactive; when water comes in contact, they explode

reactions of metals with water

9.  Its takes 60 seconds for a single blood cell to complete the circuit of the body

blood cell

10. Do you know that when a baby is born, it has only one cup of blood in its body and 1 in every 2000 babies is born with teeth?

only one cup of blood in newborn babies
