All About Ginger

Ginger’s Latin name is Zingiber Officinale. “Ziniber” comes from the Sanskrit Language, with “Zing” meaning horn, and “bera” meaning body, which is reflective of its tangy and sharp flavour. It’s a native plant of India. However it is now grown all over the world in Africa, Australia, Latin America and the Caribbean.
Ginger was extensively written about by notable explorers Marco Polo and Vasco Da Gama. They found Ginger on their travels and found many inventive ways to utilise the herb. Reports suggest ginger once made up around 50% of the traditional medicines. It was mainly used for gastric discomfort and sickness.
Ginger is rich in nutrients such as Vitamin C, Folate (Vitamin B9), Potassium, Choline, Magnesium and Sodium. The active essential oils found in ginger are called Gingerols and Shogaols.
Here are the health benefits of ginger :
- Ginger is anti-inflammatory. One study suggests that ginger can reduce the production of inflammatory stimulants prostaglandins, thus reducing inflammation.
- Ginger is though to be beneficial for gastric problems. It is though to aid the likes of indigestion’s stomach discomfort, cramps, diarrhoea, constipation and gas.
- Ginger helps to detoxify the body. This is especially beneficial during cold and flu season as it helps to rid the body of toxins.
- Studies have shown a 63% reduction in declaration of pain in osteoarthritic patients when taking a daily dose of ginger.