Homemade Face Mask Might Help You Get Rid Of Scars And Spots On Your Face
A lot of people no longer have completely smooth skin after they’ve passed the big 30. Once you’ve passed this age, wrinkles will start appearing and little spots are often part of the deal as well. You might think there’s nothing you can do about this and that it is part of getting older, but that’s actually not entirely true. There are some great natural solutions, and we’ve got one for you today in the form of a homemade face mask!
This face mask could even help you get rid of little scars!
When you get older, your skin becomes weaker, more irregular and simply doesn’t look as fresh as it used to. Plus, you might have gathered a few little scars on your face throughout the years. Irregularities in your face can bring a lot of insecurities with it. You might have used a face mask or cream before to help improve your skin. These masks and creams contain all kinds of complicated ingredients and you actually have no idea what it is exactly you’re rubbing on your face. In fact, sometimes these products do more harm than good and leave your face red and irritated. And the store-bought face masks that do contain natural ingredients are often very expensive. There’s no need to worry, though, because it is very easy to make your own face mask with products you already have in your kitchen!
So, what do you need for this special face mask we’ve been talking about? It’s actually very simple!
- 2 parts coconut oil
- 1 part baking soda
Mix the coconut oil and baking soda together properly in a little jar or bowl and then apply it to your face. Use circular motions while you do this so you’re also lightly scrubbing your skin while you’re at it. Leave the mask on your face for 15 minutes and then rinse it off thoroughly using warm water. Next, rinse your face again, using very cold water. This will close your pores. Use this face mask every day and you’ll likely see a considerable improvement in your skin after three days already! Your skin will be fresher, clearer and healthier and because of the deep cleansing of the pores, it will feel soft and strong. You’ll notice that the redness, wrinkles, scars and spots will gradually disappear.
Disclaimer: There is no guarantee of specific results and each person’s results may vary.